As always, and despite her injuries, Carol Williams had been in contact with David. Carol had received requests from the Mission:
· 3,441 USD for bursaries for the first term of secondary school (fees have risen from 295 USD to
c. 350 USD per pupil per term). Plus 750 USD for the Cowley Fathers’ scholars for the first term.
· 708 USD for primary school stationery.
In addition, Carol had estimated requirements for:
· 2,000 USD for feeding (Carol’s estimate – she is awaiting a quotation).
· 2,000 USD for pre-school teachers’ salaries (for 4 months).
The committee agreed to transfer funds to cover these requests. With funds already on hand to Carol, a further £5,500 was required to cover these outgoings.
The committee noted mention of building plans in the minutes of SJMC. Paula was asked to write to the SJMC and ask if they are still pursuing the drilling of boreholes and whether building plans now have higher priority – and which project they most need help with.
Carol has also received a request from the Diocesan office to pay outstanding import duties for the Land Rover 7,595.50 USD). David was asked to clarify whether this includes the £3,500 already donated by FSJMS to cover the majority of the import duty (it appears it may do).
Final arrangements for the AGM were out in hand.
The meeting closed.
Nicky Peters - March 2011