The committee agreed to fund a request to electrify the pre-school at a cost $92.92 USD for materials and $30 USD for labour. Carol was authorised to pay from funds on hand in Zimbabwe.
The bank’s requirements for signatures for foreign transfers had changed: two signatures provided in person were now required on any transfer document. It was agreed to change the bank mandate such that signatories would be Paula Wilcock (Chair), Nicola Peters (Sec.), Elizabeth Wakefield (Treasurer), and David Wakefield (Assistant Treasurer).
The question of a memorial for those in the garden of rest was reconsidered following the previous AGM. The committee agreed that tooled leather was proving too expensive and had other drawbacks (possible degradation), so the idea was put aside and the committee agreed to proceed only with gravestones.
Alison – the Kingston LINK chair - had recently visited the Diocese of Matabeleland. Paula offered to meet with Alison to gain news of the Diocese and of St James.
Chris Peskett confirmed that the Buderiro Trust had re-established contact with St James and was now funding three bursaries.
The committee discussed difficulties in keeping a regular flow of communication back and forth with key personnel in the Mission and explored ways in which the matter could be improved.
Jane reflected that – with all committee meetings bar the AGM now conducted by conference call – it would be an idea to invite new members to join the committee. It was agreed to reach out to Janice Armstrong to see whether she would be willing to be co-opted to the committee.
The meeting closed.